City of North Little Rock

City of North Little Rock, Arkansas

Agency: City of North Little Rock
Province: Arkansas
Population: ~66,000
Partner Sincec: 2014

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City of North Little Rock

The vibrant and booming city of North Little Rock, Arkansas needed a new website built from scratch. Everything from design to functionality to user experience needed to be changed in order to offer every resident and tourist a simple, but informative online experience. CivicLive worked with the North Little Rock team to implement features unique to their needs, introduce new ways for the city to interact with their residents, and enhance the overall experience of living or visiting North Little Rock.

How CivicLive Helped:

  • Dynamic headers for each city department that promoted transparency and accessibility to public information, services, and contact info.
  • New Report and Repair Tool that easily allowed NLR residents to report an issue and track its progress from suggestion to completion.
  • Full City Map Integration that locates the ward and aldermen elected to represent a specific location.
  • Fitness Calculator that encourages fitness and well-being for a healthy and happy city.

“The team at CivicLive followed through. Not only did we get a fresh, responsive design, but the overall use of the website has changed. For example, the new Report and Repair tool not only allows residents to easily communicate a problem in the city, but also communicates that the city does care about their feedback and concerns. We were lucky to work with a team like CivicLive that had experience building government and city websites
without any hidden costs.”

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